
a/e ProNet is committed to providing the design industry with an independent resource for insurance and risk management assistance. Over the last three decades, we have built an extensive library of articles, essays, and white papers on a wide variety of topics related to your firm’s professional practice.

As always, if you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please contact your local a/e ProNet broker today. We’re here to help.

ProNetwork News

Bi-monthly newsletters, each including a timely article relevant to the design industry and authored by an industry expert.

Latest Newsletter

How to Minimize or Prevent the Manifestation of Construction Defect Litigation (CDL)

Practice Notes

In-depth white papers providing real details on complex issues related to design professional liability and risk management.

Latest White Paper

The Keys to Keeping a Project on Track (Vol. 22, No. 1, 2015)

Guest Essays

Invited and selected articles from various professionals within and related to the design industry.

Latest Essay

Indemnification: Limit it to Damages Resulting from “Tort” Claims

Contract Concerns

Articles that take a close look at various aspects of the design professional contract process by construction risk management expert J. Kent Holland, Jr. Esq. of ConstructionRisk, LLC.

Typical Coverages

A review and explanation of insurance coverages that are found in well-prepared insurance policies for Architects, Engineers and other Design Professionals.