All over the country this month, engineers participated in local competitions in honor of Engineering Week 2014. ACEC Wisconsin held one such contest and handed out a number of awards, and we want to recognize those achievements:
R. A. Smith National, Inc.
Drexel Avenue Reconstruction & Oakbrook Center
“Drexel Avenue was in very poor condition. It was annually inundated with floodwaters, could not accommodate projected traffic volumes and did not have any provision for bicycle or pedestrian traffic. As a major connector of Oak Creek and Franklin, the roadway also needed to be updated to allow for redevelopment opportunities and new businesses. R.A. Smith National was chosen as the civil engineer for the project.” Read More
University of Wisconsin LaBahn Arena
& De Pere Riverwalk and Wildlife Viewing Pier
“The LaBahn Arena is located in the heart of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s downtown campus. Designed with the help of GRAEF, the 120,000-square-foot, four-level facility is adjacent to the Kohl Center Arena. The arena houses an ice sheet for men’s and women’s hockey practice and women’s hockey games, as well as team locker rooms for both home and visiting teams.” Read More
Ayres Associates
Design Engineering on STH 33 in Ozaukee County
“Design engineering services were sorely needed on a 1.5-mile portion of STH 33 in Ozaukee County. Existing ramps at the interchange of STH 33 and CTH LL precluded the development of otherwise valuable commercial real estate. The city of Port Washington found its growth hampered by an unattractive two-lane highway that was also inhospitable to pedestrians and bicyclists.” Read More
Jewell Associates Engineers
Lacy Road Multimodal Bridges
“To facilitate future growth and development, the city of Fitchburg engaged in a series of transportation infrastructure improvements including the realignment of Lacy Road and a new interchange with USH 14, a four-lane expressway running south from Madison.” Read More
MSA Professional Services
Neenah Gateway with Four Roundabouts
“The city of Neenah approved a bold initiative to create an attractive community gateway, increase economic development in a major commercial district and improve traffic flow and safety. The community agreed to a design calling for a cluster of four roundabouts in a high volume, tight commercial setting. The four roundabouts were the best way to achieve their goals while providing a safer solution than traditional signalized intersections.” Read More
Congratulations to these 2014 Engineering Excellence Winners! This just goes to show, our members are proud of their clients. Credit for today’s shout-out goes to Wendy Arnold of Johnson Insurance.
The next time you’re out on a the road, make sure to send some good vibrations to the engineers who made it happen!