We are pleased to introduce Kelsi Weilage, the recipient of the 2024-25 A/E ProNet ACEC Scholarship. Kelsi is set to begin her Master’s program at the University of Nebraska – Omaha this fall.

A Nebraska native from a small rural community of just 400 residents, Kelsi grew up with a passion for math and science, although she was initially unsure where her interests would lead her. She completed her undergraduate degree in Architectural Engineering with a focus on Electrical Engineering.

Kelsi discovered her enthusiasm for ‘creative engineering’ and is now dedicated to the fields of Creative Lighting Design and Power Design. This summer, she is gaining hands-on experience in these areas at an AE Design firm in Colorado.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kelsi and wish her continued success in her academic and professional endeavors. We look forward to following her career progress closely. Stay tuned for updates on her remarkable journey.

Kaitlin, a Wisconsin native is studying Architecture at Lawrence Technical University in Southfield, Michigan.  She graduated a week ago and will begin both her Master’s program this month and also she’ll be working as an Architect at a local Michigan firm Colliers Engineering & Design.  Quite a full plate for this ambitious young Architect.

She grew up with a Dad who is an Engineer and fell in his shadow of architect design and industrial engineering.  Kaitlin wants to focus her career on Commercial projects for Schools, Colleges, and Community Centers.  Be at the intersection of helping people.

For fun she likes to run and ran cross-country in school.  She’s looking to run her first marathon someday in her spare time.




Seth, a North Carolina native is in his second year of his Master’s Program in Architecture at Clemson University in South Carolina.  He’s working an internship this summer in Chicago for SNH Architects and heading to Genoa, Italy for the Fall semester to study Italian Architecture.

Seth caught the architect bug while growing up as an apprentice for his Dad who is a Carpenter/Woodworker/Guitar builder.  Seth himself has designed and built his own bass guitar.  Seth wants to work on Civic projects – Libraries and Museums in particular.

He wants to offer his talents to communities that do not have these public services.





Stay tuned as we follow these ambitious young Architects.  We continue to be proud to invest in the future of Architects.


aeProNet scholarship recipient, Jennifer Stieben, is interning at Tesla!

She is an architectural project management intern for office construction and construction for a new facility. This entails meeting with several people in different disciplines and specializations, creating presentations, making design decisions, and creating and managing project schedules. It involves learning about the construction process, creating and presenting drawings quickly, as well as learning about the manufacturing process. Projects are built by the company’s own construction team or assigned to external designers and contractors.

In Jennifers words:

” I discovered this position out of curiosity and by considering my previous experiences,interests, and strengths. It is a very fun and interesting pathway- The teams, collaboration, and comradery are excellent. It definitely can be hard work in terms of deadlines and the amount of work, but it is great to be surrounded by such sharp individuals and new ideas. We get to see some incredible things, work on amazing projects with some incredible people.

It’s important to explore your own interests and strengths, regardless of what is considered a typical pathway”

We love investing in the future of Architects & Engineers and are very proud of Jennifer and all our Scholarship recipients. Stay tuned as we follow Jennifer’s career.

We are thrilled to announce that Jillian Dlouhy, recipient of the 2023 ACEC Scholarship, is set to graduate this year with her Masters in Engineering from the University of Nebraska Omaha. Last week, Jillian enjoyed a lunch meeting with Jill Aldredge (pictured with Jillian), a member of our a/e ProNet association and producer at Hub Insurance in Omaha, Nebraska.

During her studies, Jillian interned at Olsson, Inc., a valued client of Jill Aldredge’s at Hub Insurance and the placing broker for our UK member, New Dawn Risk. In a fantastic turn of events, Jillian has recently accepted a position at Olsson, Inc. following her graduation.

This is exactly the outcome we always hope for with our scholarship recipients. How amazing is that? One of our talented scholars joins the workforce of a client belonging to our esteemed association members!

In a previous blog post, we introduced you to our 2023 ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) Scholarship Recipient, Jillian Dlouhy.  Now we get to share an update on one of her graduate projects.  Stay tuned as we follow the progress of this project over the school year.


  Jillian Dlouhy Shares:

I am currently working with a multi-disciplinary team of nine students to design the complete mechanical, electrical, and structural systems for a VA Ambulatory Care Center. This is part of the master’s curriculum of the architectural engineering program through the University of Nebraska. The goal with this is to allow students to collaborate and engineer a complete design for a challenging facility.

For this, I am leading the mechanical discipline which encompasses HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, and acoustic design. Since this is a healthcare facility designed for the VA, this presents challenges in infection control, client satisfaction, and overall integration of systems. Working through this project has taught me the value and challenges of collaborating on a large team as well as helped me develop more technical expertise for my career.


The Future of Construction with Computer Vision AI

AI is a huge topic currently because it applies to everyone and all business models. No matter what industry you are in, there is an opportunity to use AI to improve your business. AI has the potential to transform businesses and improve the way we live and work. AI can help businesses to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and personalize customer experiences.


There are several branches of AI including:


  • Natural Language Processing: This is a type of AI that allows computers to understand and process human language. Natural language processing is used in applications such as voice recognition, machine translation, and chatbots. This can help in searching for information within documents.


  • Machine Learning: This is a type of AI that allows computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Machine learning is used in a wide variety of applications, including spam filtering, fraud detection, and product recommendations.


  • Computer Vision: Computer vision AI is a cutting-edge technology that allows machines to interpret visual information. It has already significantly contributed to many fields, such as healthcare, manufacturing, autonomous driving, security, and the construction sector.


Computer vision AI can include things such as:


  • Image Classification: Using computer vision to classify and recognize images, enabling users to search their photos based on content. This technology can identify faces, landmarks, objects, and more. This can assist in finding images rapidly in a server or help with image organization.


  • Digital Marketing: AI-driven image recognition can analyze consumer behavior and preferences based on images shared on social media. This data can be used to craft personalized marketing strategies and enhance customer engagement. It can also be used to automatically produce hashtags based on what the image includes.


Some of the ways that computer vision AI is being used in construction today include:


  • Safety Monitoring and Security: Computer vision AI can be used to monitor construction sites for safety hazards. This can help to prevent accidents and injuries.


  • Progress Tracking: Computer vision AI can be used to track the progress of construction projects. This helps ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. This can be used with 4D construction (sequencing).


  • Quality Control: Computer vision AI can be used to inspect the quality of construction work and materials. This can help to ensure that projects meet quality standards.


Manufacturing and construction are closely related industries. In both industries, many of the same concepts and technologies can be applied. For example, the concepts of quality control, supply chain management, and lean manufacturing (which goes along with things like the 5S pillars and 6 Sigma) can be applied to construction just as easily as they can be applied in manufacturing. These concepts can also be applied to any industry, business, production, or management setting. I believe manufacturing and construction are going to use similar AI technologies.



In the future, computer vision AI is likely to be used in even more ways in the construction industry. Some of the potential future applications of this technology include:


  • Automating Tasks: Computer vision AI could be used to automate tasks such as surveying, quality control, and safety inspection. This could free up workers to focus on more complex tasks, and it could also help to improve safety and efficiency.


  • Creating Virtual Models: Computer vision AI could be used to create virtual models of construction sites. These models could be used to assist in planning projects, simulate construction processes, and identify potential problems. This can be used with Lidar or photogrammetry scans.


  • Optimizing Supply Chains: Computer vision AI could be used to optimize supply chains in the construction industry. This could help to reduce costs and improve efficiency.



This is an exciting time for development and experimentation, these are only a few points AI will assist within the construction industry. The future of construction is bright with the use of AI, it has the potential to make construction projects safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

We should also keep in mind that AI can be used to mitigate risks, but also has risks of its own – something that is going to be hard to replicate is human interaction, relationships, and transparent communication. As we have seen in recent years, face-to-face relationships are vital to life and are a part of what truly takes care of clients. Human interaction and relationships are essential, they provide us with a sense of connection, belonging, and support. Relationships also help us to learn and grow and understand each other’s needs so we can better provide for each other.

Meet Jillian Dlouhy our 2023 ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) Scholarship Recipient.  Jillian is seeking her Masters of Architectural Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at Omaha.  In an interview with a/e ProNet’s Executive Director, Lynda Colucci, Jillian calls herself a born problem solver.  She started down the path of engineering in the second grade with a set of Legos and in high school got into modeling software. “Ironically, my parents, my grandparents – no one in my family was in Engineering”.

In college, Jillian was able to take part in the STEM program and STEM got her involved in Community Outreach Projects – especially facilitating mentorships STEM series for young women. Her degree path has been in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and her goal is to be a Consulting Engineer. Consulting Engineers provide crucial expertise in the planning, analysis, design and construction of our built environment.

Said Jillian, “My dream job is to fix the energy problem.  Work hands on and work with renewable resources.  How do we store it? Our current energy grid can’t handle it.”

We wish her the best of luck and we’ll be following her projects in the coming year.  We think she has a pretty bright future.

Rebecca Rasmussen

My research involves working to utilize the finite element method to create computational representations of geometry useful in design, analysis, and manufacturing applications through C++ and CAE applications. Current methods for transferring a geometry made in CAD software to an analysis software involve meshing, which has proven to be time-intensive and problematic for certain geometries (like those with overlapping faces, small protrusions, etc.).


Rather than continuing to approximate the intended geometry, like these current methods do, I am working with a few other research assistants to create a more robust method for representing geometries for analysis purposes. Recently, I have been working with the Rhino CAD interface and updating code to accommodate geometries with trimmed portions (holes or patches) so they work properly when run through an analysis software like LS-DYNA.

The results of an analysis can be seen in the video, which shows a modal analysis run on a trimmed bracket. Continued updates will eventually make it possible to convert the original CAD geometry into a new, single-surface geometry suitable for analysis.


Sabrina Lem is from Canada and received her undergraduate degree there at York University in Toronto.  She’s currently in her second year of a 3 year Architectural Graduate program at University of Illinois in Chicago.   She didn’t grow up wanting to be an architect, but her passion for travel and observing sustainable designs drove her toward architecture and urban planning. She’s also working on obtaining her Leed’s Certification.

The architecture program at Illinois is the oldest program in the country at a public university, and is consistently ranked among the top 20 programs nationally. It is recognized as one of two programs in the nation best at preparing students for the architecture profession.

Congratulations to Sabrina and as we invest in her future and the future of all of our scholarship winners, we look forward to watching her grow.